Lazed around the house all day. That evening we went to Chad's for supper. Todd cooked a pork loin with all the fixins. We played cards and just had a nice evening visiting.
When we got home, I cooked a chicken for the pot pie I was going to fix for Sunday dinner.
I fixed Sunday dinner of chicken pot pie, salad, corn and peach dumplings. We had the kids over and Mom and Dad. We all enjoyed the afternoon of spoiling baby Cash. He is such a sweet baby, but I may be a little prejudiced. lol
I forgot my camera today to post pictures of him. He is changing so much already.
Later in the evening, Dwayne and I went to the farm to work on his deer stand. Still a lot of time left in the day so we played Rummy and I beat Dwayne two games. Unusual, as he usually always wins.
The weekend was just what it should be, spent with family. I am grateful for these times.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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