Thursday the 4th:
We went to Aunt Jesse's for the annual Elrod Reunion. Always a ton of food and many relatives to get caught up with.
Dwayne's not been feeling well so we just stayed home the rest of the evening.
I had the day off and planned to just stay home and do nothing-which is what I did. Todd and Desmon came over and spent the day with me. Nice having company for lunch. Desmon asked if Mr. Dwayne was still sitting in my rocking chair and I told him yeah. He said, Mr. Dwayne only likes the chairs and not the couches. I need to tell him this is your house Miss Connie and he should follow the rules and not sit in my chair. lol Love him!! Don't know where he comes up with this stuff, but he remembers Miss Connie's rules for not eating in the living room. Anytime he has a snack, he automatically goes to the table or counter to eat. I never have to remind him. He kept me and Todd entertained.
I had big plans to clean the basement but went running around with Dwayne instead. Freeburg, Vienna, Vichy to feed the cows, Sput's for lunch and then to Rolla. We did a few things around the house and once again stayed home.
I went to church and stayed for the dinner afterward. Debbie Crawford did a wonderful job on the decorations again. She is so talented.
Dwayne did a little bit of work at the farm in the morning and got overheated so he relaxed and watched TV all afternoon. I took a looonnnnnnnnnggggg nap. As my Mom would say, I must have needed the rest or I wouldn't have slept that long. lol
Dwayne has been short of breath for over a year and is progressively getting worse. He had tests done in February 2012 but didn't show anything significant. More tests last month and the stress test came back okay but doesn't show if there is any blockage. He has a cardio-cath tomorrow, please remember him in your prayers. It sounds odd, but we're hoping they find a blocking, put a stint or two in and make him better. If there is no blockage, we will have to try another route. His pulmonary function tests are better than they were a year and a half ago. Please remember Dwayne in your prayers.
On a positive note, I took April to Columbia today to her high risk doctor and the baby is doing good. April has been having fainting spells so we were a little worried. (sounds like the movies of pregnant women fainting, thought the movies were just exaggerating but it is a real symptom of pregnancy with women who are having complications). They may have to adjust her thyroid medication as the growing baby also needs these hormones. Hopefully, she will start feeling better. The Hashimoto Disease can affect the pregnancy.
I am grateful for family and health care providers.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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