The roads were super icy and I didn't even attempt to drive. Dwayne drove me in to work and there was no way I would have made it on Highway A. I thought work would be slow but I was wrong; I was super busy all day and the work environment was very stressful! Not a good day. Glad to be back home after the stress of work and icy roads. Supper was leftovers.
Dwayne and I worked on cleaning in the basement. There were jars of screws, nails, etc. from when we moved in the basement thirty-four years ago. It's hard to even know where to start.
I worked on cleaning some old picture frames we had stored down there. I plan on making a picture wall in the basement living room, but I have been planning that for two years. Hopefully, I get it done this year.
I spent the afternoon "Spring Cleaning" our bathroom. It always makes me feel so good after I get it done.
We were to watch Kristin's little boys, Kaden and Kaleb, for the evening. We met Kristin at Sput's. Sput was having a fish fry. We went in for a few minutes and I was kind of sad we weren't staying longer as there were many friends there I hadn't seen in quite awhile.
We took the boys by Mom and Dad's to visit for awhile, they always enjoy a visit from the grand kids.
We spent the evening alternating between watching TV and corralling little boys. lol They really were good and minded well, we're just not used to it anymore. The boys went to bed around ten with me and Dwayne came to bed later. I lasted in bed with the three of them until about 4 a.m. and then I went upstairs to finish the night.
The boys actually slept until 8 a.m. which I thought was good. We had chocolate chip pancakes and then Kristin got there to pick them up.
I went to church and then back home to clean some more. I washed all the bedding and bedspread for our bed. Makes me feel good to get a head start on my cleaning.
Zach and Ashlyne came over to spend the afternoon. Ashlyne and I headed to Rolla to J.C. Penneys and Dwayne and Zach went to get a load of wood.
Lizzy joined us late afternoon and we all watched TV together. Lizzy was in an extra-talkative mood, even for her it was a lot of talking!! My ears got tired. lol
I am grateful for family and the opportunity to be around my nieces and nephews.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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