We were invited to a big surprise birthday party for my aunt combined with a Feeler Family Christmas Reunion on Saturday night. We weren't able to make it when it started but luckily I was able to get pictures from my cousin of Aunt Fern coming in. They actually surprised her. A friend of Aunt Fern's was (supposedly) having a Christmas Party and had asked Aunt Fern to bring four dozen deviled eggs. Aunt Fern had commented she didn't think she'd ever get that many done in time to go. She said of all the covered dishes she was asked to bring that was the most time consuming. Hmmmm, maybe that was the idea to keep her home and busy all day. lol
They had a dinner and dance afterwards. There was so many relatives there I hadn't seen in a while. I had a wonderful evening. It seemed I table hopped all night trying to visit with everyone.

What, oh my....

I had never noticed a resemblance between my brother, Russ and my cousin Steve before. I was kind of shocked when I first got a glimpse of this picture as I knew Russ wasn't there.

We finished off the evening by going to a friend's house for their Christmas Party.
We seldom go out and it was such a fun evening. I would love to have more outings like that.
Sunday, I was tired!! Saturday was spent shopping with April for a wedding dress, lunch out and a little Christmas shopping. Then the whole evening and night visiting, this gal isn't used to so much activity all in one day anymore!! lol
As my blog title, I am so grateful for the life I've been given.
He does look like uncle Russ!