I had the day off and spent most of it in Rolla shopping for Easter dinner and running errands. I didn't feel the best and was in bed by 7 o'clock. I must have been pretty tired as I didn't get up until ten Saturday morning.
After a lazy morning I decided I should attempt doing something for the day. Dwayne and I (or I should say Dwayne) moved our sign at the end of our driveway and set out some flowers. I piddled some working on a flower bed. Being out in the yard makes me wish I could work in it like I used to. Even when Chad came by he stated, Mom you used to spend most of the days out working in the yard, so guess I'm not the only one that remembers and misses those days.
Ashlyne and Zach came over in the evening. My permit-driving niece somehow talked Aunt Nonnie into letting her drive the couple miles to pick up Tess but that was the end of that!! lol Nonnie drove on to Rolla. Kara Leigh is expecting a baby and we were having a surprise shower after dinner on Easter for her. My sister-in-law, Bobbi is so excited for this great-grandbaby of hers to be born. The girls were young when Bobbi came into the family and hasn't been around for the beginning of a child's birth. Bobbi let Tess and Ashlyne have full reign over decorating for the shower. The girls had quite a time picking out the decorations at Wal-Mart, especially with them being in charge.
We rented movies and picked up supper at Wendy's. I'm getting entirely too lazy at cooking and value meals sure come in handy. Aunt Nonnie is cheap, pick off the 1.09 price list.
The girls watched TV in the basement and Dwayne and Zach in the living room. Not my kind of shows so I went to bed to escape, I mean read a book.
Busy morning! The girls slept late so they didn't start decorating very early. I had planned on them stuffing the eggs with candy but easier to just do it myself at the counter while cooking side dishes. Dwayne is always in charge of the hams but he does so much more than that anymore. I don't know what I'd do without him going along cleaning up after me. I teasingly call him my daughter-in-law. He doesn't know why I call him that-I guess since that's what I helped Dodie with I think he fills that role.
We have had Easter at our house since we built the house in 1988 for both the Elrod and Feeler family. Dodie's brother, LeRoy and wife Aunt Carol came for years and sometimes their children and families. After Uncle LeRoy passed away, Aunt Carol still came down and then when she remarried, we all welcomed Walter into our family. They haven't came down the last couple years as Walter's daughter has Easter. Frankie came down this time and brought his little boy, Grayson for all of us to see. He was born October 3rd, 2011 the same day as my great-nephew Kaleb. Both babies seemed to enjoy just staring at each other and they both have the middle name Russell. I wish I had pictures to post but I forgot to charge my camera battery.
It is amazing how the kids have grown throughout the years and changes in family structures. There is alot of remember when conversations going on of Easter's in the past. Lots of good memories. Sure do miss Andy and Dodie but love hearing stories that involve them.
Kara was certainly surprised with the baby shower and we were a little surprised too when we heard the delivery date was moved up from May to the 20th of April! My birthday and Grandma Bobbi's is on April 19th, we're sure hoping for that date!! I am especially hoping so for Bobbi as she would be SO EXCITED to have this baby born on her birthday. But then Todd is shooting for the 17th as that's his birthday and he thinks he's special! lol I guess baby Parker will surprise us all and get here when he's ready.
Easter, a time of rebirth, life and hope. We celebrated all on our family get together over the weekend and for this I Am Grateful!!
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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