What an embarrassing evening my sisters and I had last night!! lol
Kate had been wanting Judy and me to go to a Zumba class with her for a few weeks now. Seemed like something always came up and we were never able to all three go at once.
Well, we did last night!! Uh!! Never again!! Not just that we weren't physically able to keep up, we just plain couldn't do it!! Kate did pretty good, but in all fairness, she'd been before and she is younger than me and Judy!! lol We are just dance-challenged, no rhythm whatsoever!! Judy started laughing hysterically and then we all three started laughing. Judy gave up and went out. I was trying but just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. Judy said I was doing good and keeping up but I was not in sync with everyone and seemed to just be doing my own thing. Kate kept up and was doing good but I left not long after Judy. (people were laughing at us, really) Judy and I were the oldest ones there. We felt bad leaving Katie in there by herself but the humiliation was getting to us. We did have fun though. A few years ago it would have bothered me alot to be laughed at but we didn't care, we knew we were bad!! lol Katie came out not long after us. We were all laughing. When we went out front, to add to our humiliation, there was a TV with the camera showing the Zumba room. At least we kept people entertained. They told us the were going to start up a Golden Zumba Class for older women if we would like to join. (Gee, thanks!!) I told them I thought we needed the tarnished version. lol MacKensie had stayed out in the front room to do homework, not sure if she saw us on the screen or not. Must not have as she didn't say anything about it.
We decided we would start our own exercise class one evening per week in the privacy of my basement. Lizzie would be our perfect instructor as she is the little leader in everything. I can just imagine the laughter that could be heard from upstairs from all of us giggly girls/women.
Even though we sucked at Zumba, we had a fun evening out. We joked, laughed and acted like kids. Kids that even stopped and visited their parents on the way home.
As a kid, my dad used to throw his change on the floor out of his pocket and I would pick it up. I don't know why I always hurried to get gather it up so fast as I was the only younger child at home. It's always been a joke in our family that "Connie would get all the change," as Dad would repeat the throwing of change in the floor for the grand kids, great-grand kids, etc. and I would usually (for fun) get in the scramble and gather as much as I could. I always won, I still do that when Dad empties his pockets. (I do divide the change up with the kids, though) Last night was no exception, Dad said he needed to throw change on the floor for Connie to pick up. And I did!! See, we're still kids at heart. And our love attention from our parents is just as important today as when we were young. Each of us have some silly childhood quirk that we shared with our parents and they still repeat occasionally with us.
I am grateful for having sisters and sharing moments like these.
Zumba yes that is one class I could not do either. I have no rythem and hate being in front of people.
ReplyDeleteHope you all enjoy the exercise night I am it will be a fun time.
Picking up change I can see you doing that :)
I'm sure I will hear all about this tomorrow, I can already picture Judy hysterically laughing about it.
ReplyDeleteI did a Zumba class at the Centre a couple years ago. I went out of my comfort zone just attending the class BY MYSELF - not to mention I have no rhythm either - so the whole time I'd be faced the opposite way of everyone else and couldn't keep up with the moves. I've never done Zumba again - I made it through that whole class though, and it was a HUGE workout!
ReplyDeleteDancing is something I wish I could do but I feel so out of place and just can't get the hang of it! lol