Our anniversary was on the 10th but we didn't have time to go out that weekend. We have been making Sybil's in St. James our annual "date" for our anniversary for the past few years. Their food is really good. We almost always order Fillet Mignon when we go. This time they outdid themselves, you could literally cut the steak with a fork. And the saying, it melts in your mouth, so true with this steak. Very good. Sybil's is not a restaurant we can afford to go to often. We decided Friday night we will try to make it a once a month event. We don't do anything as far as entertainment so this will be a nice treat.
A little surprised to walk up to the door and see this little creature welcoming us........By the time I got my camera out to capture, he was scurrying away.
Caught him hiding behind the chairs.
I'm from the country so seeing opossums is normal and no big deal. On the road that is, not at the door of a high rate restaurant.
Of course, before we could go to the restaurant we had to go by Vichy and see Dwayne's cattle he recently bought. We used to raise cattle but with Dwayne's heavy work schedule, we sold them several years ago. Dwayne loves to "farm" and mess with the cattle. I think he's a little nuts myself with the long hours he puts in plus a 2 hour drive each way to work five days a week and then to put the extra burden on himself. I had suggested (many times) he wait until closer to retirement to have cattle again. The past year he has been like a little kid wanting something he can't have. So, last week (with cattle prices so high...............) he jumped in again. And I'm glad he did. He is so happy with his new project, he's like a kid in a candy shop. So, below is a few of our new "kids".
Dwayne's new pride and joy:
I'm grateful we've been together thirty-four years (and for the most part.......) happy.
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