I am so lucky to have "my own" flowering trees each year for my birthday! This was the view when I left the house this morning. So pretty!!
Well, today I turned 54. I really don't feel as old as 54 sounds. Reminds me of when I used to clean house for some ladies in Rolla. They were in their late 70's and early 80's. They would refer going out to eat with their friends as the girls. I remember thinking, girls? you people are old, like uh, ladies????? Well, I never refer to my friends as ladies, it's girls!! lol So, I guess no matter the age, we're all girls at heart.
Seriously, I don't mind being 54. My Mom has always said, if you don't get old, you die young. Well, I an enjoying my life and hope I have YEARS left to go out to eat with the girls.
I have been very blessed with my husband and children. I cannot imagine my life without them. This morning when I got up, there was a birthday cake and gift on the table from Dwayne, Chad, Todd, April and Mike, and the most amazing card. Apparently, April snuck in this morning while I was asleep.
I am grateful for fifty-four years of life.
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