Work was very busy, couldn't believe eight hours could go by so fast!!
Dwayne left for deer camp and I spent the evening just relaxing and watching TV.
Really didn't do too much, made a loaf of bread to take to the fall supper at church.
Ashlyne went with me to the fall supper and waited on tables with Malinda and April.
I washed dishes from 5 to 7:30. Hard to believe how many dishes and how fast you wash them, seemed like a non-ending supply............
Ashlyne and I got our dinner to go and went home to watch TV and eat. She has grown up so much the past year, hard to believe she is fourteen.
I went to church and Ashlyne stayed home to watch TV. We then went to Mom's for Sunday dinner. Once again, my 81 year old Mom has outdone herself. She had dinner already cooked, dishes washed up and gone to church when we got there. We didn't have much to do to get the rest of dinner together. It amazes me how much my Mom gets done on meal preparation before even going to church. We had a great afternoon visiting.
Dwayne and the boys were still gone to deer camp so I had the evening to myself. It's weird how I enjoy time to myself and when the kids were younger and all at home, I didn't like to be by myself. It just didn't feel right without everyone there. I used to worry about it so much wondering how I would be when my kids left home. I guess you just ease into the different stages of life without realizing it. But I do know I am going to be totally lost when April moves out. It will be quite an adjustment, but as my Mom says, you do what you have to do, and I will adjust to this phase of life, also. Even today, April had the day off but still got up early and had coffee with me before I left for work. We do that on Saturday's, too. I cherish these times.
April moving will be an adjustment for Dwayne and I, but it is part of life and we are so happy for her. Mike is a wonderful guy and treats her with such love and respect. We are glad to know she will be treated well and will be very happy in St. Elizabeth. April loves the people and the environment and feels a part of the community. Life takes many turns and some are just destined to be. Who would have thought that a young man from St. Elizabeth and a girl from Vienna/Rolla area would meet at Rich Fountain, a place neither one normally goes to. God does have a plan for each one of us if we would just be patient. I am still (not so patiently) waiting for God to reveal his plan for Chad and Todd. I want my boys to be happy and meet someone that will love and appreciate them. They are both such good and caring young men and would make wonderful fathers, they each love kids so much.
I have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving Season.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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