We went to Mom's for Thanksgiving. Mom made several pies along with her great turkey & dressing. We had a wonderful meal and an afternoon of visiting.
April and I went shopping. We've been trying to find her some end tables and a coffee table for her house. We have gone to several furniture stores with no luck.
We always liked to eat lunch at La Pasada, but they closed this year. We tried El Sombrero and it was good.
We then went to Mike and Susan's to see Carrie and her family. This was the first time we got to see baby Ellie. She is a beautiful baby and her bothers are crazy about her.

Friday evening, Dwayne and I went to the Southard's so he could see the baby. Dustin had brought Xander down to spend the night with us before we went and he had a good time playing with Avery and Evan. Kind of neat to see Carrie and Dustin's kids playing together as Carrie and Dustin were born just three days apart. Xander is well behaved and we enjoyed him spending the night.
Dwayne fixed chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. (my favorite!!) We then got out the tree and Christmas decorations. I have bought ornaments each year for the kids and it made for a tree FULL of ornamates. This year we used Dodie's ornaments and what few ornaments Dwayne and I had. April had bought some red ribbon that has lights and put that on the tree, it looks really good. Dustin and Cody came and picked up Xander and then Dwayne and I got ready to go to Rolla. Our good friend and neighbor, Mable Carney, was having a 90th Birthday Party at Spring Creek Baptisit Church. All of her grandchildren and great grandchildren were present. Quite a feat as they live all across the country. It was so nice seeing people we used to go to church with and others we hadn't seen in years.
We then went to Family Center for Dwayne to get work clothes and boots. They have so much to look at, it's overwelming. A great place to buy Christmas gifts.
We ate at the new Gordo's Restaurant. We had filet miniogn and it was excellent. I love getting a steak that almost melts in your mouth.

We finished up the evening by going to Wal-Marts and then watching a good movie on TV.
I went to church and then cleaned the house. In the evening, Nathan and Elizabeth came over and we went to the movies to see Tangled. I recommend this movie, it was very entertaining and funny.

After a busy weekend, it was nice to go back to work and get in a routine.
I am very thankful during this season to have my family close by.