Friday will mark thirty-three years of marriage. It is hard to believe I've been out of Mom and Dad's house much longer than my twenty years of life at home. Time certainly has a way of passing by quickly.
I have the day scheduled off work. I plan to celebrate by sleeping late, going to Rolla and taking April out to lunch and a little shopping. As for the evening, I'm not sure. I've been waiting for Dwayne to mention going out but I am not going to remind him this year. The EAR's birthday party is at five o'clock and she's expecting us there, so as of right now, that is the plan for Friday night. We will probably go out to eat Saturday and Sybil's in St. James or Gordo's in Rolla.
I am grateful that Dwayne and I have stayed together and provided a loving home for our children. Growing up, my greatest desire was to be a mother. I fulfilled that dream and now as most of my classmates are looking forward to retiring, I am looking forward to my work years as I spent the earlier years as a stay at home Mom. I am so fortunate that Dwayne provided an income that enabled me to stay home with the kids. I cherish those memories.
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