I have been so tired, I took the day off to rest. I did get some stuff done around the house and then went to Belle to get my hair cut. I always have a good time visiting with Trina.
Dwayne, Chad, Todd and Zach worked in the cane field and up at Mom and Dad's getting things ready to make molasses on Saturday. I fixed supper from them of ham n beans and fried potatoes. Seems to be an Elrod meal, as it was one of Grandpa Andy's favorites. Xander and I made his Pa Pa David a birthday cake. He was pretty excited to blow out the candles for his Pa Pa.
Dustin brought Xander down to spend the night as he had to work 12 hours the next day. I wasn't too sure how he would do as he doesn't know us that well. He didn't cry and just played with the toys. I think having Zach there helped, as he watched cartoons and played cars with him. It was so cute, after Zach went to bed, Xander got out an old cell phone and called his daddy. He told him he loved him and good night. Not long after that Xander was fast asleep.
I love to sleep late and I wasn't sure what time Xander was used to getting up but I thought it would be around six or so. To my surprise (pleasantly) he didn't get up until a little before ten o'clock. April and I were drinking our coffee when all of sudden we saw a little face peaking around the corner.
We went up to Mom's to help her get ready. Darned if she didn't have most of her cooking done already!! Turning 81 didn't slow her down. We combine the molasses making at Mom and Dad's with a reunion on my Mom's side of the family (Williams). We always refer to it as the cousin party. I didn't realize there was so many people there throughout the day but my cousin kept a list and there was a total of 91there. Mom fixes the main meat and everyone else brings a covered dish or two. Always plenty of good food to eat.
Saturday evening, Dwayne took the kids (and adults) on the annual hayride. I didn't go last year but I did this year for Xander. He seemed to have a good time. Phil and Carol stopped by just before we were taking off and had their grandson, Dacoda with them. They came along, also. Chad and Brad rode horses and Todd followed along at the rear to provide tail lights for traffic control. Dacoda and Xander wound up getting in the truck with Dwayne and Phil towards the end. Dwayne said Xander was on his lap looking out the window and fell asleep. He played all day long with the other kids at Mom and Dad's. They rode horses, went on a wagon ride, swung on the tire swing and him and Desmon played with cars and trucks. He put in a long day.
Dustin, Cody and his girlfriend came down later and picked him up.
I had really planned on going to church but I was so tired, I didn't attempt it.
We had a William's Reunion (same family as the day before, but an official reunion this time) at my cousin's in Rosati. They had the food catered from Missouri Hick at Cuba. The food was very good. Most of my cousins were there, some from other states. It was hard to believe the weather was so cold compared to the beautiful weather we had the day before.
I am so grateful my Dad is still with us for another year of "Feeler Molasses Making".
Happy March!!
3 days ago