My niece, Kayla Wooldrige, came down this week for an early Mother's Day. We met at Sybil's in St. James for lunch. For the little girls, it was a chance to eat at a nice restaurant and feel grown up. They especially loved the bathroom and had to take a picture of it. We had a great time.

Four Generations, Kaye holding her granddaughter, Mariah Wooldridge,daughters, MacKensie Birdsong & Kayla Wooldridge and Mom:

The Sisters, Judy Akridge, Kaye Birdsong, Connie Elrod:

My sister-in-law Bobbi Feeler and her granddaughter, Tess:

My sister Judy and her EAR granddaughter, Elizabeth Ann Rowe:
(covering up her Grandma's double chin with her hand) LOL

The Elrod Girls:

Bobbi, Mom, Judy, Kate, Me:

Bathroom at Sybil's:

I went to church and then to Mom's for dinner. We had a chance to see Kayla's kids. Brighton is now two years old and what a little sweetheart. He didn't even know us but was so cuddly and gave us all hugs.
Sunday evening the boys came up for supper. Desmon came along with them. He always keeps us entertained! Dwayne had barbecued pork steaks and I made side dishes. It was nice having all three kids at home along with Desmon and Mike.
Overall, a great family weekend.
We had a great time... should make that a tradition every year.