December 16, 1992

Kara is the step daughter of my nephew, Wayne Feeler, Jr. I do not like to use the term, step, as Kara is very much my neice. Kara came into our family when she was three years old. What a delightful child and very talkative. Kara loved to ask questions and used the word why alot. One day she said, Aunt Connie, I can use the big words now. I asked her what words those were, she said how come? So we were then answering how come questions instead of why? So cute!!
A few years ago we were at a barbeque with some friends and Kara and Tess were with us. One of my friends said, you can certainly tell Kara is your neice Connie, she looks just like you and your side of the family. She could not have said anything better and I did not correct her. We never talked about it but I know it made Kara feel even more a part of the family.
April used to babysit Kara and her sister, Tess in the evenings while their Mom was at work. Kara loved to fix Uncle Dwayne's lunch for the next day. It took extra time to help her but it was so worth it to see how proud she was to help.
I have so many memories of the times Kara has spent with us through the years. She is well mannered, caring, smart and a great big sister, just an overall joy to be around.
It is with great pride I wish Kara Leigh a Happy 17th Birthday!!
I completely forgot about Dad's lunches, if I remember correctly that was my job and I convinced her how fun it would be.