Today would have been my friend's 48th birthday. It is hard to imagine Susan being 48. In my mind, she is still 36 years old, the same as the last time I saw her.
My friend, along with her children, Adrian and Kyle were brutally murdered in 1998. I do not want to relay that tragic event on here.This was a very horrifying experience for all in and around the Vichy area.
Instead, I would like to celebrate Susan's life. She was a good friend, very quick witted and a wonderful mother. I have known Susan since I started running around with "The Vichy Bunch" in 1974. Susan was more talkative than her siblings. Susan was a hard worker, always working to make her kids life better. Her children were the light of her life and she protected them to the bitter end.I want to remember the good times I've had with Susan and the memories of our children playing together.
She is sadly missed by all.
Yes it is very hard to imagine her at 48 just as it was hard when Kyle's 21st birthday came several weeks ago. It was a very sad time for all of Vichy and they will always be missed