We went to one of my great nieces 8th Birthday Party Friday evening. My niece, Elizabeth Ann Rowe has many names. We call her Liz, Lizzy, Busy Lizzy and as Blake calls her "Little Bits".
Liz is a most unique child. She is very intelligent and excels in her school work. I think she was born talking. She can sing and does a pretty good "opera" voice. We all enjoy her so much. We had a good time visiting with family and friends at their new house. (Also good food always helps. LOL) Elizabeth is the daughter of my nephew, Tony Rowe and his wife Billy. Liz was born on September 8, 2001. Happy Birthday, Liz. You've brought many smiles to our life.
We are getting pretty good on Saturday mornings to relax (or lazy) and watch a movie on TV before we start our day. That afternoon we went to Belle for Barb Elrod Stradford's 50th Birthday Party. You cannot go away hungry when you attend an Elrod Family function!! They are all great cooks and the best
fish fryers.
April, Mike and I went to church and stayed after for the meal. Dwayne is now on the Nurture Committee at our church. The Nurture Committee plans and cooks most of a meal one Sunday a month. This meal was smoked chicken and pulled pork, the members bring in side dishes. They outdid themselves, it was wonderful.
We didn't have a very big turnout for our Sunday Family Meal, just April, Mike, me and Dwayne.
We grilled steaks, baked potatoes, salad, corn casserole (leftover) and jello salad for dessert.
We finished off the evening with watching one of my favorite shows, Army Wives.
It was a wonderful weekend full of family togetherness. We are blessed with so many friends and family and our health. I am very grateful for all that I have.
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