Christmas Eve:I worked part of the day then went home to get ready to go to Mom and Dad's that evening. We were a smaller group this year but we had a good time. We cherish our time together celebrating with our parents. Mom read the Christmas story out of the Bible and the kids sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.
After Mom's, we went to the house for our celebration. April had found a recipe for shrimp appetisers and let me tell you, they were very, very spicy!! If we have them again, we will have to cut down on the chipotle peppers and cayenne. We all received nice gifts and just sat around visiting.
My boys:Todd & Chad

April & Mike:
Christmas Day:This was a first for me and Dwayne in our entire married life and before, we were alone on Christmas Day. I thought I would be sad being by ourselves and not going to any family functions but I actually enjoyed the day relaxing. We went to Denny's around noon for breakfast and then just watched TV the rest of the day.
Flu, the beginning of the season:No one likes to hear the phone ring at 3:30 in the morning. Your first thought is it has to be bad news, Mom or Dad sick, a wreck,
the boys are in trouble, a million thoughts running through your head. It was Chad saying he was sick, could I come down. So Dwayne and I both took out to Chad's in a rush to get there. We always seem to panic a little when Chad gets sick as any infections seem to trigger his kidney disease and it takes longer for him to heal. When we got there, he was laying on the bathroom floor, too weak to get back to bed. We stayed for a couple hours as his temperature was high and he was so sick. We then went back home for a couple hours sleep. I told Dwayne he could be "Mr. Mom" and take Chad to the doctor. Luckily for us, a local doctor was in Saturday morning. Chad has the flu, strep throat and a sinus infection. Dwayne even brought his bed clothes home to wash and went back and forth to check on Chad during the day. Since my immune system isn't that strong, we figured Dwayne would be the nurse. (Unfortunately, he came down with the flu Sunday morning).
Rowe/Akridge Christmas:April and I went to my nephew's house (Tony Rowe's) for their Christmas celebration. We had great food and lots of fun watching the kids open presents. We then had a "white elephant" gift exchange. The adults had a good time but the kids just didn't seem to understand the whole game of
stealing gifts.
The rest of the day I made cookies and pies for our Elrod dinner on Sunday.
Sunday, Elrod Dinner:Dwayne put the ham on and then went back to bed. He had come down with the flu and could barely get out of bed. I called David to see if they still wanted to come down since Dwayne was sick. They had their flu shots so we went ahead with the dinner. Good thing as I had alot of food cooked. Chad was still sick and unable to come over, Dwayne came into the living room a couple times but went back to bed. Trevor and Xander had fun with their presents and kept us entertained.
Before they got there, my sister, Judy called and said Dad was in the hospital and that he had the flu. She called again later and said Dad had a bowel obstruction and was going to have to have surgery. The rest of the day was spent visiting and playing cards with the worry in the back of my mind about Dad. Last night I went up to see Dad and he was feeling better. They were giving him medicine in an IV to hopefully keep him from having surgery.
The holiday weekend was a time of reflection on past Christmas' and missing Grandma Dodie and Grandpa Andy. Dodie loved Christmas and always made it a special time for everyone. I hope to carry on her tradition of celebrating Christmas surrounded by family and creating new memories.