I normally fix calico beans for pre-opening night of deer season for the guys at deer camp. This year, I totally forgot about it. Mid-week, I was talking to Dwayne and he timidly asked he I was going to make the beans this year. What, oh my goodness, I forgot!! I told him I would fix them for the weekend.
Lizzy came over to watch TV. While I was preparing to cook the calico beans, I got the sum of the week's activities. Man, can that girl talk!! lol And fast, too. You have to hang onto every word to keep up. Love her; she filled a void I felt after April moved out.
I had saw on facebook a video on how to curl your hair with aluminum foil and a flat iron.
We didn't curl the bangs. The curls turned out really cute. I did small sections and the curls were pretty tight so we decided to try larger sections next time for a looser curl. Much faster than a curling iron for each curl.
I went to April's for the day. We went to Jefferson City shopping. Cash did real well until we got to Apple Bees for lunch. He was overtired and let us know it.......... Well, Grandma Nonnie finally just started walking around the restaurant with him. It worked! April had gone to the bathroom, so I sat on the bench by the front entrance and Cash had fun waving at people and seeing the "tuks"aka trucks outside. We got our lunch and Cash ate his food and a good time was had by all!! lol
I bought some new Christmas decorations. I'm going to try to get more in the mood to decorate than I have the last couple years. I used to have almost every surface decorated plus wrapping the pictures on the wall to resemble Christmas presents. Don't think I'll go that far. lol
Wrapping presents; I used to be so particular. Every corner was folded just right, the ribbons matching the wrapping paper and so proud of myself when I got done. My Mom told me when I was still at home that one day I wouldn't care so much about how the wrapping was done, I would just be glad to get them wrapped. WHAT? Was she crazy? My packages would always be wrapped pretty. How could she think such a thing!! WELLLLLLLL, guess what? I don't like to wrap presents anymore. I get them wrapped but it's not near as much fun as it used to be. I'm going to try to do better this year. I bought some old fashioned looking wrapping paper and making my own bows like I used to do. I'll let you know how it goes and if I stick to my guns.
When I got home, Dwayne hadn't picked up the beans yet. (I was a little ticked) But after about an hour, Dwayne and Todd came to get the calico beans. Good, my beans get to go to deer camp again.
I literally did nothing all day. I was going to go to church but fell asleep in the rocking chair and didn't wake back up in time. I watched TV all day, took another nap in the afternoon and that was about it. I don't feel guilty for napping. My Mom always says I need the extra rest or I wouldn't be sleeping. Love my Mom, she always (well, almost always....) says the right thing to make me feel better. Despite looking normal on the outside, Lupus takes a toll on your body. You can't really complain about it as people look at you and say you look fine to them. Or if you're having an exhausting day and say you're tired, people say, I'm tired, too. Uh, no, you don't understand. I'm not just tired, I'm exhausted. Dr. Pearson explained it to me one day as picturing myself walking around in quick sand all day. That's how much more effort you need to put forth just doing normal things.
Whoops, kind of got on a rampage there!!!
Dwayne came home just before dark with all his deer stories and fun they had. This is Dwayne's vacation every year. He works so hard all year and especially this year with lots of overtime. How they find it fun to camp with several other smelly guys, I'll never know. Give me my trip to Alaska anytime!! lol
I am grateful for my family and a safe deer season.