Dwayne's Dad, Andy and several of his friends started the "Tallahassee Pig Roast" in 1976 at Spring Creek. Dwayne and I were dating and I was SO nervous being around everyone. Can you imagine
me, not talking and being intimidated by a crowd? (I think I hung around my mother-in-law too much as I tend to talk to
everyone anywhere.) I mean that in a good way about Dodie. Story to follow in a future post.
In 2006, our friend, Buck Love, decided not to have the pig roast at his place anymore. Too much work, most of the "Vichy Bunch" had passed away and various reasons. We were all disappointed, especially my father-in-law, Andy. Late that fall, me mentioned to me on one of our many trips to the doctor that he was thinking about having it at his lake in Vichy the next spring. The more he talked about it, the more excited he got. He mentioned it to Dwayne and the boys and the idea took hold.
Grandpa Andy had a major stroke (and then more) in December of 2006, then passed away on January 9, 2007. What a LOSS!! It affected all of us, as the death of a loved does. Our sense of loss is no greater than other families, but to each one of us, the pain was deep.
Dwayne and the boys kept Grandpa Andy's vision of the pig roast at the lake. It was a total success and Grandpa Andy (and Grandma Dodie, as she loved a party or get together of any kind)would have enjoyed it so much.
The tradition has now been passed down to the next generation and they have continued as their predecessors, Bud Love, Buck Love, Emmet Bullock, Andy Elrod, Lester Workman, Lloyd Workman, Doyle Workman, Jeff Hooker, David Glenn and more that I can't think of at the moment. Lloyd, Buck and Jeff are the only ones still living. Lloyd has come for awhile each year except last year as he was in the hospital. He loves to play horse shoes as you can see in the pictures below.
We wouldn't be able to have the pig roast each year without the help of all of our good friends. We thank them all so much.
Everyone has a good time visiting, playing games, EATING, and just having an old fashioned fun filled weekend. I have bombarded the site below with pictures. I couldn't decide which ones to post so I posted all of them.