Me, my cousin Esther, Wayne
January 8th, 1948:My oldest brother, Wayne turned 62!! When I was a little girl, I idolized my big brother. He would sit for hours with me and we would play "farm" in the dirt area of our yard at our old house (which he now lives in). Wayne would put nails in the ground for fence posts and string from post to post for the wire. He would also make little grass bundles for our hay. What fun memories!! When we moved to our new house we had a huge clay dirt pile left from digging out the basement. On the back side, Wayne and Russ would carve out steps and we would climb to the top. After a rain, the steps would be gone and have to be done all over again. Wayne would come home from school and I would say, Big Strong Handsome Brother of Mine, would you please make me some new steps? Worked every time!! LOL
Friday Evening: Kate fixed herself a birthday dinner. There was Kate, Tyler, Kensie, Judy, Joe, Ashlyne, Mom, Dad, Me, Dwayne and April. Kate fixed mostaccioli and a variety of side dishes. The mostaccioli was delicious. I'm letting Kate's secret out on the sauce, she added grape jelly to it. She remembered watching a movie years ago and the Italian Grandmother had put grape jelly in her sauce and it was their family secret. Some secrets are made to be broken!! After eating, we played dominoes. Had alot of fun.
January 9th, 1969:
My baby sister and me:Kate's 41st birthday. My family is just going to love me posting their ages!!
When Katie was born, Wayne was in Vietnam. Mom so wanted Kate to be born on Wayne's 21st birthday, but Kate was having none of it!! She was born on the 9th about a half an hour after midnight. Even as a little girl, she did not want to share her birthday with Wayne.
We were hoping for a little boy and he was going to be named Robert Archie (Robert after Grandpa Williams and Archie for our Dad and our Grandpa Feeler) and we would call him Robbie. Kate is like,"I am so glad I'm not a boy and have to have the name, Robbie!!" So instead of Robbie, we got Mary Kaye, whom we call Katie, Kate, Kaye, Mary Kaye, just about every version of her name except Mary. She went by Mary at school and even today if one of her classmates ask me about Mary, I have to think a minute as to who they are talking about.
And as in every family, you think you're getting a boy or girl and whatever the child is, you love it right away. And boy did Kate have alot of people to love her! She was already an aunt when she was born as our sister, Judy had a little girl, Tammy, the previous May. They grew up as close as most sisters. I was almost 12 when Kate was born and I can remember people asking Mom if I was jealous of her. I thought, what are they talking about? Mom had had at least three miscarriages between me and Kate and I could not wait to have a little brother or sister.
Today, I cannot imagine life without my little sis. She is one of my best friends and a constant source of family strength. Kate is enduring a difficult time in her life and I pray and wish a very good 41st year for her. Happy Birthday, Kate!!
January 10th, 2005:
Mariah Kay Wooldridge:As Katie missed Wayne's birthday by one day, her granddaughter did the same for her.
Mariah Kay Wooldrige was born on the 10th of January to my niece, Kayla and Anthony Wooldridge. Mariah was a beautiful baby from the start. Kate was so glad to become a grandma or as Mariah calls her, Nana. Kayla and Anthony lived in Rolla the first months of Mariah's life but then moved to Anthony's hometown, Urbana, IL. We would so love for them to be closer but we enjoy the time we get to spend with them.
Sunday:April, Mike and I went to church. After church, April and I stayed for Sarah Howard Rowden's baby shower and luncheon. Sarah received a variety of nice gifts for the baby. We had a good time visiting with everyone.
After leaving the shower, we went to Mom and Dad's to visit as Mom had fixed a birthday dinner for Wayne and Kate. We played Mad Gab for awhile. My sister, Judy had the best time figuring out the sayings and it was funny just to watch her crack up laughing at the game.
April fixed our Sunday evening meal and naturally the boys didn't show up. I am trying to not let it hurt my feelings that they don't come to my Sunday evening suppers as I'm trying to set a tradition for us to get together. I had planned it in the evening so the kids could all do their own thing all day, but so far the boys are not complying.
Kind of ticks me off!Well, enough of my complaining; I am grateful that April and Mike are there and do not act as if it is a "chore".

April fixed white chili, a different taste than we're used to in chili but still very good. I fixed chocolate pie for dessert.
We played dominoes and had a nice evening together.